About us


Rwanda Monitoring and Evaluation Organization


RMEO’s mission is to promote a culture of using evidence-based information for decision-making in Rwanda through fostering professional M&E practices.



We aspire to be “a leading Rwandan professional Monitoring and Evaluation Community of Practice in managing for development results.”


Strategic Objectives

  1. RMEO’s objectives, as articulated by the founding members are to:
  1. Strengthen Capacity development for its members.
  2. Contribute to building monitoring and evaluation systems.
  3. Build interagency partnerships and networking.
  4. Grow and explore business development opportunities to foster its self-reliance capabilities.


Core Values

The RMEO will pursue the following Core Values, in pursuing its Vision, Mission and strategic direction. The following Core Values describe the way in which every member of the RMEO will respond to the community and to the organization itself:

  • Professionalism
  • Integrity
  • Accountability
  • Results-oriented
  • Team spirit
  • Ethical conduct


Organization structure

RMEO has the following organs in its structure.

  • General Assembly
  • Control and Audit Committee and Conflict Resolution Committee
  • Executive Committee
  • Commissions
  • General Secretariat Office